J.M. Vaccaro Trucking Inc.
10554 S. Muskegon Ave. Chicago, IL 60617 USA
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Company Description:
Midwest's largest transportation company of storage containers and equipment. Transportation and ground level placement of LOADED 20’, 40’ or 45’ containers. Ideal for contractors, suppliers and rental companies. Our Side-loader unit is capable of transporting your Portable Shipping Containers loaded with up to 73,000 lbs. of materials and supplies and safely setting them down at ground level. Tilt-bed service for empty containers only.
SCAC="VACC" TruckerMC# 298897 USDOT# 533220
=Dry container drayage
=Reefer drayage
=Open Top drayage
=Flat Rack drayage =OOG Out-Of-Gauge
=Tank Endorsed Drivers
no=ISO Tank drayage
Drivers / Power Units:
yes=Day Cabs no=Natural Gas Trucks no=Battery Electric Trucks yes=Parking Space
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