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Company: Fruehauf
Via José López Portillo 131
Colonia La Magdalena
Coacalco, Estado de México,  55700   Mexico
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Contacts: Paola Solis
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Company Description: Fruehauf is a 55 year Company based in Coacalco, Estado de México and we manufacture semi trailers and also export them: tandem and tri axle 20/40/53 Ft Chassis for Intermodal STD and 40 Ft High Cube Containers, Flatbeds 40/48/53 Ft, Dumps, Dry Vans and Dry Bulk Tank Trailers (aluminum, steel, gravity or pressure) and Specialized Equipment. For this year we can still deliver units for you if intetested in receiving a quote and more information.

The following is the link to our 4 min corporate video, which I´m sure you´ll enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvIbiAjnw-c Components such as suspension, axles, landing gears, ABS, etc., that we install are Hendrickson, Meritor, Jost, Bendix, Holland, just original worlwide quality and well known brands. The steel used for Fruehauf Chassises´ has more endurance than the one other Mexican manufacturers use, ours is G-50 de 12 X 4” WF at 19 lb / ft ASMT A572. And, we have an exclusive partnership with Aurora Parts USA to suplly all replacement and spare parts.

Please feel free to let me know if you need a RFQ, the specs you are looking for and I´ll be glad to send you a propposal.

MOb. 525543817809

profile last update by adminRB 31-Aug-22
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